Friday, June 7, 2019

Reproductive Technology Essay Example for Free

Reproductive Technology EssayMany people dream of having a house, kids and possible a dog, but sometimes that not something they can achieve on their own. Infertile has become a major issue for women that want kids and is increase for many males. We also have people from the gay and lesbian community that dont want to adopt but he children of their own. A exploitation number of unwed single people want kids with having the relationship or marriage stuff that comes with it. Louis Brown was the first successful test tube handle in 1978, which gave many couples hope of their own.Before this occurred many only had the option of adoption however there is now reproductive technology to help with treat making process. My paper will discuss the pros and cons of reproductive technology. With joys of reproductive technology comes many concerns and issue that have been not deemed moral. How will the child be modify by this? Can the couple or person held all of the procedures and things that need to happen? How much will this cost and is it effect?California has already passed a bill that somewhat takes a little control over the situation. The health department has to give detailed document that explains ART and all the drugs, hormones and high chances of having quaternary embryos. The physician is also responsible for telling the couple or people that if they dont follow the rules set for ART it will be pass a criminal violation. All parties involved need to get an explanation of all the risks involved in any process.There are even considering having a lifetime limit of how many eggs and women can sell and collect monetary values for not exceeding $5000. 00. When it comes to ART California has become proactive with situation and others states or countries should follow their leads. Some feel there should also be screening for women age, race, political affiliation, and sexuality. There are many concerns but so little research on the overall affects it poses.

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